September 18, 2022

September 17th Super Walk

Thank you to all of the volunteers who came out to support my campaign during this weekends super walk to help educate our fellow Kansans about the difference our Republican legislators and candidates are making in the state of Kansas.

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September 11, 2022

Letter to the Editor: Kelly Paid Fraudsters $466 Million

The KDOL knew that they were compromised and then tried to cover up their blunder. We also learned that when a Kansans’ identity is stolen through the KDOL system, KDOL does not notify the person whose identity has been stolen. Don’t they have a right to know if their private personal information has been compromised?

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August 21, 2022

Rep. Patrick Penn Endorsed by NFIB

Today Patrick Penn was endorsed by the NFIB.

“These candidates are deeply committed to protecting small businesses from burdensome taxes and overreaching regulations,” NFIB State Director Dan Murray said. “Each of these candidates has shown us they understand the challenges facing Kansas’s job creators and will do everything they can to create an environment where small businesses can continue to grow and create jobs.”

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June 30, 2022

Kansas Farm Bureau Endorses Penn

Since 1993, VOTE FBF has endorsed and supported candidates for public office who support farming, ranching and rural Kansas. The 10-member VOTE FBF board relies heavily on the recommendations of members across the state in elevating candidates who understand and champion agricultural issues.

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